‘Paleocene-Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera of Zagros Basin’ published

The book “Paleocene-Eocene Planktonic Foraminifera of Zagros Basin”, written by Abbas Sadeghi, professor of the Faculty of Earth Sciences of Shahid Beheshti University (SBU), and Nasrin Hadavandkhani, a PhD graduate of SBU, has been published recently by SBU Press in 456 pages.
To buy this book, students and interested parties can go to the sales office of the Scientific Works Publishing Center of SBU, located in the Information Technology (IT) building, ground floor, or order online through the center's website. It is also possible to buy the electronic file of the book from "Fidibo", "Booket" and "Taaghche" websites.
Planktonic foraminifera are microfossils that have appeared in seas and oceans since the late Jurassic and have developed rapidly. Although this group of foraminifers has been exposed to individual and collective extinction many times in their evolutionary process, they have been able to continue their evolutionary tree until today. Their spread and abundance on the one hand and the short life span of most genera and species on the other have caused this group of foraminifera to be considered a suitable and reliable tool in biostratigraphy research and exploratory studies of hydrocarbon materials as well as understanding ancient oceans. It is on this basis that many researchers have systematically identified and classified them in the last five decades and based on planktonic foraminifera, they have presented several biological zones at local and regional scales in different basins, which are widely used in pelagic sediment biostratigraphy studies.
In Iran, during the last few decades, studies have been conducted on planktonic foraminifera in pelagic sediments of the Cretaceous and Paleogene periods, which have led to the introduction of local and sometimes regional biological zones.
The present book was also written in parallel with this research, and it is the result of years of research by its authors in the identification, introduction and systematic description of this group of microfossils in Paleocene-Eocene sediments (Pabde Formation) and their place in the biostratigraphy of these sediments.
The book is organized in three chapters: "Definition of Paleocene-Eocene biozones", "Wall construction in planktonic foraminifera" and "Systematic taxonomy" including 126 plates of images of planktonic foraminifera. The authors have attempted to provide a suitable background for students, especially graduate students in specialized fields of geosciences to familiarize themselves with Paleogene planktonic foraminifera and their use in biostratigraphy, and standard biozones of the Tethys basin and their applicability as a model in exploratory studies of hydrocarbon materials in the Paleogene pelagic sediments of Iran and especially the Zagros basin.