Mohammad hosein Adabi


Update: 2025-02-21

Mohammad hosein Adabi

Earth Sciences /

Journal Paper

  1. "Turonian-Maastrichtian biostratigraphy and isotope stratigraphy of the Kopet-Dagh Basin deposits, northeastern Neo-Tethys, Iran"
    Yadolah Ezampanah, Giovanna Scopelliti, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Amir Mohammad Jamali, Antonio Caruso, Hassan Mohseni, Mohammad Javad Razmjooei
  2. "Facies, sequence framework, and reservoir quality along a Triassic carbonate ramp: Kangan Formation, South Pars Field, Persian Gulf Superbasin"
    Umid Kakemem, Arman Jafarian, Antun Husinec, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Ayoob Mahmoodi
  3. "Mélange development in the Neyriz region of Zagros Orogen, Iran: Record of convergence and collision in the Neotethyan Realm"
    Parisa Gholami Zadeh, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mohammad Reza Ghassemi, Abbas Sadeghi, Safar Ali Eshraghi
    BASIN RESEARCH, Vol. 32, pp.1626-1652, 2020
  4. "Tectonic evolution of the Zagros foreland basin since Early Cretaceous, SW Iran: Regional tectonic implications from subsidence analysis"
    Hamid Reza Karimnejad Lalami, Hossein Hajialibeigi, shahram sherkati, Mohammad hosein Adabi
  5. "Paleoenviromental reconstruction, sea level changes of third order depositional sequence and diagenetic processes of the Asmari Formation in Kabir Kuh Anticline, North of the Zagros Basin, Iran"
    Farzad Moradi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, alireza tahmasebi sarvestani
    Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences, Vol. 49, pp.1-10, 2020
  6. "Petrography of carbonate rocks in the Asmari Formation, Zagros Basin, Dezful Embayment and Izeh Zone, SW Iran"
    Mahnaz Dehghanzadeh, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 13, 2020
  7. "Diagenetic stabilization of the Upper Permian Dalan Formation, Persian Gulf Basin"
    Roghayeh Fallah bagtash, Arman Jafarian, Antun Husinec, Mohammad hosein Adabi
  8. "Microfacies, geochemistry and sequence stratigraphy of the Sarvak Formation (Mid Cretaceous) in the Kuh-e Siah and Kuh-e Mond, Fars area, southern Iran"
    Parisa Gholami Zadeh, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    elmira shahkaram, Mohammad hosein Adabi, davoud jahani, seyed hamid vaziri
    Periodico Tche Quimica, Vol. 16, pp.756-775, 2019
  10. "geochemistry and macrofacies of the ruteh formation in the ruteh area, central alborz, iran"
    gelareh babaei kho, Mohammad hosein Adabi, davoud jahani, seyed hamid vaziri
    Periodico Tche Quimica, Vol. 16, pp.930-944, 2019
  11. "Foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the lower Miocene Hamzian and Arashtanab sections (NW Iran) northern margin of the Tethyan Seaway"
    Mohsen Yazdi Moghadam, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Alireza Tahmasbi
    GEOBIOS, Vol. 51, pp.231-246, 2018
  12. "Planktonic foraminifera biozones and isotope stratigraphy of the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary in the western part of the Kopet-Dagh Basin NE Iran"
    Yadalah Ezampanah, Abbas Sadeghi, Giovanna Scopelliti, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Amir Mohammad Jamali
    JOURNAL OF AFRICAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 147, pp.657-670, 2018
    Mohsen Yazdi Moghadam, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Ali Reza Tahmasebi
  14. "Petrography and geochemical composition of the middle Eocene, the Shahabazan Formation at Kialu Section, Zagros Basin, Southwestern Iran"
    mohammad hadi Modarres, Mohammad hosein Adabi, F. Fayazi, Ali Ghobishavi, Mehran Moradpour
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 34, pp.657-669, 2018
  15. "Revised version of the Cenozoic Collision along the Zagros Orogen Insights from Cr-spinel and Sandstone Modal Analyses"
    Parisa Gholami Zadeh, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Ken-ichiro Hisada, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad Reza Ghassemi
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 7, pp.1-15, 2017
  16. "Evidence for ca. 560 Ma Ediacaran glaciation in the Kahar Formation central Alborz Mountains northern Iran"
    Najmeh Etemad Saeed, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Nathaniel R. Miller, Abbas Sadeghi, , Daniel F. Stockli
    GONDWANA RESEARCH, pp.164-183, 2016
  17. "Sedimentary facies depositional enviromental and sequence stratigraphy of oligocene miocene shallow water carbonate frome the ring mountain zagrose basin(SW Iran)"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, , Abbas Sadeghi
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 31, pp.69-85, 2016
  18. "Biostratigraphy paleoecology and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Asmari formation in Zagros basin southwest Iran"
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammadhasan Kazemzadeh
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 9, pp.1-15, 2016
  19. "Biostratigraphy, paleoecology, and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Asmari formation in Zagros basin, southwest Iran"
    Umid Kakemem, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammadhasan Kazemzadeh
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 9, pp.1-15, 2016
  20. "Sulfide mineral chemistry investigation of sediment-hosted stratiform copper deposits Nahand-Ivand area NW Iran"
    Seyedeh Narges Sadati, Mohammad Yazdi, , Mehrdad Behzadi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, , ,
    ORE GEOLOGY REVIEWS, pp.760-776, 2016
  21. "Investigation of the Sequence Stratigraphy of the Gurpi Formation in Abadan Plain (Wells A B and C)"
    IRAN Fakour, Davood Jahani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, farid Taati, Hamid Vaziri
    Elixir international journal, pp.31970-31973, 2015
  22. "Geochemistry Microfacies and diagenetic evidence for original aragonite mineralogy and open diagenetic system of Lower Ccretaceous carbonates of the Fahlian Formation (Kuh e Siah Area) Zagros Basin South Iran"
    Maryam Jamalian, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 1, pp.77-98, 2015
  23. "Provenance of Neoproterozoic sedimentary basement of northern Iran Kahar Formation"
    , Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi,
  24. "Planktonic Foraminifera of the Dariyan formation and implications of Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a"
    , , , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Geopersia, Vol. 5, pp.125-137, 2015
  25. "geochemical investigation oil -oil and oil source rock correlation in the dezful embayment marun oilfield zagros iran"
    Elham Asadi Mehmandoosti, Mohammad hosein Adabi, stephen bowden,
  26. "Hydrothermal Alteration Identification of Ahangaran Deposits West of Iran Using ASTER Spectral Analysis"
    Zahra Akbari, Iraj Rasa, , Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    International Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol. 6, pp.28-42, 2015
  27. "Diagenesis and geochemistry of the sarvak formation in ahvaz oil field iran"
    Mahboobeh Asghari, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Geochemistry (Beijing, China), Vol. 1, pp.1-15, 2014
  28. "A Revision of the Macraster species (Echinodermata Echinoidea) occurring in the Albian deposits of the Zagros basin Southwest Iran"
    , Loïc Villier, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    ANNALES DE PALEONTOLOGIE, Vol. 100, pp.51-62, 2014
  29. "Biostratigraphy of the Garau Formation Berriasian - lower Cenomanian in central part of Lurestan zone northwest of Zagros Iran"
    Yadalah Ezampanah, Abbas Sadeghi, , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, pp.101-113, 2013
  30. "Microfacies and geochemical evidence for original aragonite mineeology of a foraminifera-dominated carbonate ramp system in the late Paleocene to Middle Eocene Alborz basin Iran"
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi
  31. "a revision of the macraster species echinodermata echinoidea occurring in the Albian deposits of the Zagros basin south west IRAN"
    , LOIC VILLIER, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    ANNALES DE PALEONTOLOGIE, pp.51-62, 2013
    Seyedeh Narges Sadati, Mohammad Yazdi, Mehrdad Behzadi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    International Journal of Geoinformatics, Vol. 4, pp.53-64, 2013
  33. "Biostratigraphy of the Garau Formation (Berriasian -Lower Cenomanian) in central part of Lurestan zone northwest of Zagros Iran"
    , Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, Vol. 46, pp.101-113, 2013
  34. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    procedia earth and planetary science, pp.31-35, 2013
  35. "Biostratigraphy of the Surgah formation in Kuh-e-Surgah and correlation with Tang-e-Gerab west of Iran"
    Abdolvahab Kazemi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2012
  36. "Depositional faciec and geochemistry of the Kangan formation in the South Pars Field Persian Gulf Iran"
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    carbonates and evaporites (isi ), pp.146-156, 2012
  37. "Historical changes in distribution and partitioning of natural and anthropogenic shares of heavy metals in sediment core from the southern Caspian Sea"
    t sharmad, r nabi bidhende, r karbassi, , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    environmental earth sci, Vol. 67, pp.799-811, 2012
  38. "Microfacies and Geochemistry of the Middle Cretaceous Sarvak Formation in Zagros Basin SW Iran"
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, adam woods
    SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, pp.12-25, 2012
  39. "Paleoecology and biostratigraphy of early Certaceous (Aptian) calcareous nannofossils and the 13 Ccarb isotope from NE Iran"
    Azam Mahanipour, jorg Mutterlose, Anoshiravan Lotfali Kani, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, pp.331-336, 2011
  40. "facies characteristic and paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the fahliyan formation lower cretaceous in the kuh-e siah area zagros basin southern iran"
    Maryam Jamalian, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Abbas Sadeghi, ,
  41. "Fluid inclusion analysis geochemical charateristics of jurassic carbonates Case study from High Zagros Zone Kohrang area SW Iran"
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, , , Abbas Sadeghi
    stratigraphy and sedimentory researches, Vol. 40, pp.85-102, 2011
  42. "Facies charactristic and palenvinmental reconstruction of the Fahlian formation Lower creteceous in the kuh-e Siah area Zagros basin southern iran"
    Maryam Jamalian, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Abbas Sadeghi, d b,
    FACIES, Vol. 57, pp.101-122, 2011
  43. "palaeoecology and biostratigraphy of early cretaceous ( aptian ) calcareous nannofossils and the 13ccarb isotope record from NE Iran"
    Azam Mahanipour, jorg mutterlose, Anoshiravan Lotfali Kani, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    CRETACEOUS RESEARCH, pp.331-336, 2011
  44. "Signatures of the Balarud Deep Seated fault zone in Khushab anticline SW Iran An Integrated study"
    Hossein Hajialibeigi, Seyed ahmad Alavi, , , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Journal of Sciences Islamic Repablic of Iran, Vol. 22, pp.33-49, 2011
  45. "application of large benthic foraminifera as a tool for interpretaion of paleoclimate and water depth in the ziyarat formation alborz iran"
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    geophysical research abstracts, Vol. 1, 2009
  46. "application of cathodoluminescence to recognize diagenic trends of carbonate recks"
    Rakhshande Abbasi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    American Institute of Physics conference proceedings, 2009
  47. "geochemistty of the sarvak formation in the kuh -e- siah southern iran"
    Parisa GholamiZADEH, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    recent advances in geology and seismology, 2009
  48. "Reservoir Characterization and Tectonic Setting of Ahwaz Sandstone Member of the Asmari Formation in the Zagros Mountion SW of Iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, , Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, , , , , Afshin Zohdi, Mahdi Jafarzadeh
    geophysical research abstracts, pp.36-45, 2009
  49. ""
    Asad Abdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 25, pp.81-100, 2009
  50. "multistage dolomitization of upper jurassic mozduran formation kopet- dagh basin n e . iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 24, pp.16-32, 2009
  51. ""
    Hormoz Ghalavand, Abbas Sadeghi, Ahmad Shemirani, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
  52. "Salinity changes during laate oligocene to early miocene asmari formation deposition zagros mountains Iran"
    , DW Haig, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
  53. "Microfacies and geochemistry of the Ilam formation in the tang-e rashid area izeh s.w.iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Ahmad Khakzad,
  55. "Geochemical studies of trace elements in the Vishan-Tkieh Pb-Zn deposit(south Arak)"
    Ahmad Khakzad, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Berichte der deutchen mineralogischeen gesellschaft European Journal of Mineralogy, Vol. 17, 2005
  56. "A re-evaluation of aragonite versus calcite seas"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 19, pp.133-141, 2004
  57. "Oeanographic controls on sedimentological and geochemical variations in temperate carbonates off western Tasmania Australia"
    Z.Z AMINI, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 19, pp.1-16, 2004
  58. "Bryozoan distribution and growth form associations as a tool in environmental interpretation Tasmania Australia"
    Z.Z AMINI, Mohammad hosein Adabi, C.F BURRETT, P.G QUILTY
    SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, Vol. 167, pp.1-16, 2004
  59. "Major and minor elements and their relationship to gold mineralisation Beaconsfield mine Tasmania Australia"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, C.p RAO
  60. "Warm to cold water carbonate formation during the Ordovician and the Jurassic Examples from Iran Australia England"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Journal of Science Islamic Republic of Iran, Vol. 14, pp.149-155, 2003
  61. "Geochemistry of gold bearing carbonates Beaconsfield Gold Mine Tasmania Australia"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, C.p RAO
    CARBONATES AND EVAPORITES, Vol. 15, pp.7-17, 2000
  62. "Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and geochemistry in tin exploration Renison Australia"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    jrnal of Sciences Iran, Vol. 10, pp.241-252, 1999
  63. "Application of carbon isotope chemostratigraphy to the Renison dolomites (Tasmania Australia) a Neoproterozoic age"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 44/3, pp.767-775, 1997
  64. "Upper Jurassic brachiopods from North-East of Iran Palaeontology"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, D.V AGER
    Paleontology, Vol. 2/40, pp.355-362, 1997
  65. "Carbonate minerals major and minor elements and oxygen and carbon isotopes and their variation with water depth in cool temperate carbonates western Tasmania Australia"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, C.p RAO
    MARINE GEOLOGY, Vol. 103, pp.249-272, 1992
  66. "Petrographic and geochemical evidence for original aragonitic mineralogy of Upper Jurassic carbonates (Mozduran Fm.) Sarakhs area Iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, C.p RAO
    SEDIMENTARY GEOLOGY, Vol. 72, pp.253-267, 1991
  67. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, ,
  68. "Sedimentary environment microfacies and isotopic studies of Kangan Formation in Persian Gulf"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Jour. Faculty Earth Sci. Shahid Beheshti Univ,
  69. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, ,
  70. ""
    Seyedeh Zahra Porheydar, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 31, pp.137-148, 2021
  71. ""
    Mohammad Shalalvand, Mohammad hosein Adabi, afshin zohdi
    Vol. 1, pp.45-66, 2021
  72. ""
    ARDESHIR POURSHABAN, Mohammad Yazdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, M. Daryabandeh
    Vol. 9, pp.76-96, 2021
  73. ""
    Nasim Riahi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Hossein Kamyabi Shadan
    Vol. 15, pp.123-141, 2021
  74. ""
    Roghayeh Fallah bagtash, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, Ehsan Dehyadegari
    Vol. 36, pp.27-58, 2021
  75. ""
    Mehdi Khoshnoodkia, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi
    Vol. 18, pp.219-238, 2021
  76. ""
    Boshra Soleimani poorlak, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Ehsan Dehyadegari
    Vol. 36, pp.23-50, 2020
  77. ""
    Seyedeh Zahra Porheydar, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 6, pp.55-82, 2020
  78. "Sedimentary environment, sequence stratigraphy and reservoir characterization of the Kangan Formation in South Pars Gas Field, Iran"
    Umid Kakemem, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Ehsan Dehyadegari
    Vol. 29, pp.75-86, 2020
  79. ""
    Mohsen Liaghat, Mohammadreza Nuraeinezhad, Mohammad hosein Adabi, ehsan eghbalpour
    Vol. 8, pp.68-92, 2020
  80. "Diagenesis processes and recognition original carbonate mineralogy of Asmari formations in Karanj Oil Field (Dezful Embayment, SW Iran)"
    Yazdan Golestan, Umid Kakemem, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Ehsan Dehyadegari
    Vol. 29, pp.197-208, 2020
  81. ""
    Mohammadhasan Kazemzadeh, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Hormoz Ghalavand
    Vol. 28, pp.237-246, 2019
  82. ""
    Mohammad Shalalvand, Mohammad hosein Adabi, afshin zohdi
    Vol. 35, pp.25-48, 2019
  83. ""
    Mohammad Shalalvand, Mohammad hosein Adabi, afshin zohdi
    Vol. 7, pp.149-166, 2019
  84. ""
    Mehdi Khoshnoodkia, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, mohsen masihi
    Vol. 13, pp.17-30, 2019
  85. ""
    Farzad Moradi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Alireza Tahmasebi sarvestani
    Vol. 10, pp.124-140, 2019
  86. ""
    Umid Kakemem, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Bahman Godarzi
    Vol. 28, pp.137-148, 2019
  87. ""
    Asiyeh Yousefi Hajivand, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 9, pp.86-113, 2019
  88. ""
    Nasrin Hadavandkhani, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Alireza Tahmasbi Sarvestani
    Vol. 27, pp.137-150, 2018
  89. ""
    Mohammadhasan Kazemzadeh, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Hormoz Ghalavand
    Vol. 1397, pp.52-59, 2018
  90. ""
    Mohsen Liaghat, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 9, pp.75-96, 2018
  91. ""
    Yadalah Ezampanah, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, amirmohammad jamali
    pp.33-38, 2018
  92. ""
    Yadalah Ezampanah, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Amir mohammad Jamali
    Vol. 11, pp.1-17, 2018
  93. ""
    Mahmoud Jalali, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 33, pp.25-48, 2017
  94. ""
    Nasrin Hadavandkhani, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, tahmasbi sarvestani alireza
    Vol. 33, pp.1-18, 2017
  95. ""
    Nazila Shirooyeh Nasab, Roghayeh Fallah bagtash, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj
    Vol. 1, pp.99-120, 2017
  96. ""
    Abdolreza Bavi Owydi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, HASAN AMIRI BAKHTIAR
    Vol. 26, pp.135-148, 2017
  97. ""
    azadeh rahimi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, seyed ali aghanabati, mahmod reza majidi fard, amir mohammad jamali
    Vol. 26, pp.61-72, 2017
  98. ""
    Mohammadhasan Kazemzadeh, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, hormoz ghalavand
    Vol. 11, pp.27-49, 2017
  99. ""
    Mohammadhasan Kazemzadeh, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, hormoz ghalavand
    Vol. 65, pp.47-66, 2017
  100. ""
    Roghayeh Fallah bagtash, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 2, pp.103-130, 2016
  101. ""
    mazaher yavari, mehdi yazdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, hormoz ghalavand
    Vol. 25, pp.281-290, 2016
  102. ""
    Parisa Gholami Zadeh, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    Vol. 26, pp.23-34, 2016
  103. ""
    Abdolreza Bavi Owydi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    Vol. 32, pp.1-22, 2016
  104. ""
    Parisa Gholami Zadeh, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    Vol. 25, pp.3-15, 2016
  105. ""
    Mahnaz Dehghanzadeh, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Abbas Sadeghi,
    Vol. 32, pp.1-24, 2016
  106. ""
    Yadalah Ezampanah, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Amir Mohammad Jamali, Hossein Kamyabi Shadan
    Vol. 64, pp.21-54, 2016
  107. ""
    Mahnaz Dehghanzadeh, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    pp.98-113, 2016
  108. ""
    Abdolreza Bavi Owydi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, hasan amiri bakhtiar
    Vol. 1, pp.13-34, 2016
  109. ""
    Mahmoud Jalali, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 10, pp.83-102, 2016
  110. ""
    Zahra Akbari Chobar, Iraj Rasa, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 6, pp.38-57, 2016
  111. ""
    Zahra Akbari, Iraj Rasa, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 6, pp.38-57, 2016
  112. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, ,
    Vol. 9, pp.89-103, 2015
  113. ""
    Amir Mohammad Jamali, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 9, pp.93-119, 2015
  114. ""
    NAjmeh Etemadsaeed, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 24, pp.287-298, 2015
  115. ""
    Amaneh Ghorbani, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 24, pp.327-338, 2015
  116. ""
    Hossein Hajialibeigi, Seyed ahmad Alavi, , , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 24, pp.149-162, 2015
  117. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 24, pp.203-216, 2015
  118. ""
    Amaneh Ghorbani, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 24, pp.327-338, 2015
  119. ""
    Hossein Hajialibeigi, Seyed ahmad Alavi, , , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 24, pp.149-162, 2015
  120. ""
    , Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    pp.291-302, 2015
  121. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 24, pp.299-310, 2015
  122. ""
    Seyed masoud Moosavian, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 8, pp.97-107, 2014
  123. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 8, pp.91-106, 2014
  124. ""
    Seyed masoud Moosavian, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 54, pp.79-96, 2014
  125. ""
    Nasrin Hadavandkhani, Abbas Sadeghi, , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 3, pp.50-67, 2014
  126. ""
    , Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 7, pp.73-86, 2014
  127. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    Vol. 4, pp.76-94, 2014
  128. ""
    Seyedeh Narges Sadati, Mohammad Yazdi, Mehrdad Behzadi, , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 4, pp.70-85, 2014
  129. ""
    Nasrin Hadavand Khani, Abbas Sadeghi, , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 4, pp.86-101, 2014
  130. ""
    Nasrin Hadavandkhani, Abbas Sadeghi, , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 4, pp.86-100, 2014
  131. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    pp.33-47, 2014
  132. ""
    Najmeh Etemad Saeed, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 22, pp.3-12, 2013
  133. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, , Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 7, pp.97-118, 2013
  134. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    Vol. 4, pp.76-94, 2013
  135. ""
    NAjmeh Etemadsaeed, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 22, pp.3-12, 2013
  136. ""
    Nastaran Azadbakht, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Abbas Sadeghi, ,
    pp.51-71, 2013
  137. ""
    Umid Kakemem, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, abass ali nik andish
    Vol. 4, pp.76-94, 2013
  138. ""
    Hassan Alijani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    Vol. 1, pp.16-32, 2013
  139. ""
    Azam Mahanipour, Anoshiravan Lotfali Kani, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 6, pp.67-78, 2013
  140. ""
    Yadollah Ezampanah, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    pp.81-101, 2012
  141. ""
    mohammad hosein adabi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, ,
    Vol. 9, pp.93-110, 2012
  142. ""
    Yadollah Ezampanah, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 2, pp.69-82, 2012
  143. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, , Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 3, pp.85-103, 2012
  144. ""
    Sajad Pooramini Bezenjani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi,
    Vol. 1, pp.55-74, 2012
  145. ""
    Roghayeh Fallah, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 6, pp.42-61, 2012
  146. ""
    Hassan Alijani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    Vol. 1, pp.16-32, 2012
  147. ""
    Sajad Pooramini Bezenjani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, javid hanachi
    pp.55-74, 2012
  148. ""
    Hamid Kamali Sarvestani, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Seyed masoud Moosavian
    Vol. 45, pp.21-30, 2012
  149. ""
    , , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 21, pp.31-38, 2012
  150. ""
    , Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    pp.58-77, 2011
  151. ""
    Amirmohammad Jamali, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
  152. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 79, pp.157-164, 2011
  153. ""
    , Anoshiravan Lotfali Kani, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    pp.83-94, 2011
  154. ""
    Azam Mahanipour, Anoshiravan Lotfali Kani, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
  155. ""
    Parisa GholamiZADEH, Mohammad hosein Adabi
  156. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, ,
    Vol. 21, pp.3-14, 2011
  157. ""
    Farnazalsadat Shushtarian, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi,
    pp.39-68, 2011
  158. ""
    , , , , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 21, pp.45-54, 2011
  159. ""
    , Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 27, 2011
  160. ""
    Maryam Jamalian, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 43, pp.1-26, 2011
  161. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, ,
    Vol. 76, pp.33-44, 2010
  162. ""
    Maryam Mirshahani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, ,
    Vol. 39, pp.49-70, 2010
  163. ""
    Zahra Karimi Mosadegh, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    pp.23-32, 2010
  164. ""
    Elham Asadi Mehmandoosti, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 38, pp.69-88, 2010
  165. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, ,
    Vol. 77, pp.165-174, 2010
  166. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, , ,
    Vol. 19, pp.33-44, 2010
  167. ""
    Zahra Karimi Mosadegh, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 19, pp.23-32, 2010
  168. ""
    Maryam Mirshahani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, ,
    Vol. 39, pp.49-70, 2010
  169. ""
    , Iraj Rasa, , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 18, pp.3-10, 2010
  170. ""
    s.ali moalemi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    pp.169-176, 2010
  171. ""
    Hossein Hajialibeigi, Seyed ahmad Alavi, , , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    pp.33-44, 2010
  172. ""
    , Iraj Rasa, Ahmad Khakzad, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 18, pp.3-10, 2009
  173. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, , , Abbas Sadeghi,
    Vol. 19, pp.153-164, 2009
  174. ""
    seyed ali moalemi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    Vol. 19, pp.169-176, 2009
  175. ""
    Abbas Sadeghi, Alireza Tahmasebi Sarvestani, , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 3, pp.91-100, 2009
  176. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Rakhshande Abbasi
    Vol. 35, 2009
  177. ""
    Asad Abdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    AAPG BULLETIN, pp.81-100, 2009
  178. ""
    Hormoz Ghalavand, Abbas Sadeghi, Ahmad Shemirani, Mohammad hosein Adabi
  179. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Bita Arbab
    Vol. 3, 2009
  180. ""
    Afshin Zohdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 18, pp.105-114, 2009
  181. "application of cathodoluminescence to recogniz diagenetic trends of carbonate rocks"
    Rakhshande Abbasi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    isi american institute of physics (aip), 2009
  182. ""
    Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mahdi Jafarzadeh, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. ب, 2008
  183. ""
    Mansoor Ghorbani, Mohammad hosein Adabi
  184. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, , ,
    Vol. 2, pp.25-38, 2008
  185. ""
    Mohammad Vahidi Nia, Abbas Sadeghi, Ahmad Shemirani, , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 17, pp.1-15, 2007
  186. ""
    Mehran Moradpoor, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 33, pp.15-26, 2007
  187. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Maryam Jamalian
    Vol. 17, pp.188-209, 2007
  188. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, , , ,
    Vol. 2, pp.3-31, 2006
  189. ""
    , , , , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    pp.81-94, 2006
  190. "Microfacies and sedimentary environments of Asmari Formation at the Tang-e-Gel-e-Toursh Chidan and Katula stratigraphic sections Izeh area with special emphasis on the Oligocene-Miocene basin analysh"
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, ,
    pp.41-58, 2006
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, ,
    Vol. 12, pp.62-75, 2005
  192. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    pp.19-26, 2005
  193. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, , Mansoor Ghorbani
    pp.3-18, 2005
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Iraj Rasa,
    pp.19-26, 2005
  195. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, masoud lotfpour, Abbas Sadeghi,
    pp.199-228, 2005
  196. ""
    , , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 15, pp.40-53, 2005
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, , Mansoor Ghorbani
    pp.3-18, 2005
  198. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 13, pp.229-244, 2005
    Iraj Rasa, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 15, pp.40-53, 2005
  200. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 12, pp.62-75, 2005
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 13, pp.229-244, 2005
  202. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    pp.199-228, 2005
  203. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi, Ahmad Khakzad
  204. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 30, pp.341-365, 2004
  205. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 11, pp.64-75, 2003
  206. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    pp.103-802, 2003
  207. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    pp.29-44, 2003
  208. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 29, pp.187-211, 2003
  209. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    pp.84-90, 2002
  210. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 2, pp.63-87, 2002
  211. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    pp.84-90, 2002
  212. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Vol. 10, pp.3-16, 2002
  213. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    pp.85-92, 2001
  214. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    pp.85-92, 2001
  215. ""
    Ahmad Khakzad, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    pp.259-261, 2000
  216. ""
    Mansoor Ghorbani, Mohammad hosein Adabi
  217. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 6, pp.53-66, 1998
  218. ""
    , , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 1, pp.23-39, 1998
  219. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 5, pp.97-114, 1997
  220. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 12, pp.31-43, 1997
  221. ""
    , Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 21, pp.657-676, 1990
  222. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 1, pp.160-187, 1989
  223. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 21, pp.455-490, 1988
  224. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 1, pp.87-104, 1988
  225. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Vol. 10, pp.173-204, 1988

Conference Paper

  1. "The Mechanisms of Oil Migration and Accumulation in the Abadan Plain, Iran, Based on Oil-oil Correlation Studies"
    Ehsan Dehyadegari, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    The 14th Middle East Geosciences Conference & Exhibition, 2020
  2. "effective diagenetic processes on the fahliyan formation and reservoir quality in dorud and abuzar oil fields (south pars iran)"
    parastoo safaei omrabadi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    9th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 2018
  3. "paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the miocene clastic rocks at the roshankuh section neyrizarea zagrosbasin"
    Parisa Gholami Zadeh, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad Reza Ghasemi
    9th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology, 2018
  4. "Microfacies sedimentary environment and diagenesis of Upper Cretaceous deposits in Dombak Kuh region section southeastern Tehran"
    Dana Shavisy, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    The 36th National and the 3rd International Geosciences Congress of Iran, 2018
  5. "Sedimentary environment reconstruction of the Ilam Formation carbonate succession in Asaluyeh transect and South Pars Oil Field"
    Roghayeh Fallah bagtash, Nazila Shirooyeh Nasab, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Umid Kakemem
    The 36th National and the 3rd International Geosciences Congress of Iran, 2018
  6. "application of geochemical analysis in geological interpretation case study Eocene deposite in sanandaj Sirjan and parts of Zagros basin"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    The 36th National and the 3rd International Geosciences Congress of Iran, pp.1-15, 2018
  7. "Application of Geochemical Analysis in Geological Interpretation (case study Eocene Deposits in Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone and Parts of Zagros Basin)"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    The 36th National and the 3rd International Geosciences Congress of Iran, 2018
  8. ""
    seyedeh narges edalati manesh, sasan bagheri, Mohammad hosein Adabi, mostafa ghomashi, mohammad boomeri
    , pp.142-149, 2017
  9. ""
    Fatemeh Nilchi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    , pp.158-163, 2017
    Hassan Alijani, mohammadi zahra, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, Salehi Fereydoun, Rudy SWENNEN
    International meeting of sedimentology 2017, 2017
  11. "geochemical composition of the miocene sediments in neyriz region iran implication for provenance"
    Parisa Gholami Zadeh, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad Reza Ghasemi
    International meeting of sedimentology 2017, 2017
  12. "Microfacies analysis and depositional environment of the asmari formation in ilam region (zagros fold and thrust belt west iran)"
    zahra mohammadi, mahtab mozafari, Mohammad hosein Adabi, mahmoud jalali
    Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate platforms and Dolomite, 2016
  13. "Depositional model sequence stratigraphy Diagenesis and geochemistry of the Sefid-Kuh formation (late Scythian) in Aghdarband tectonic window NE of Iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    international conference and exhibition barcelona spain, 2016
  14. "Original Aragonite MIneralogy the Best Hydrocarbon Reservoir in Both Zagros and Kopet-Dag Basin in Iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    12th middle east geosciences conference exhibition, 2016
  15. "geochemical characteristics of late creataceus limestone of bangestan group in izeh zone"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    association of petroleum geologists india, 2015
  16. "REE distribution during diagenetic processes of sedimentary copper deposit in Nahand-Ivand area NW Iran"
    Seyedeh Narges Sadati, mao j, Mohammad Yazdi, Mehrdad Behzadi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    ACTA GEOLOGICA SINICA, pp.26-27, 2014
  17. "diagenetic alteration of copper sulfide in sedimentary copper deposit in nahavand -ivand area nw iran"
    Seyedeh Narges Sadati, Mohammad Yazdi, Mehrdad Behzadi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    2014 IMPS Meeting Attendees IMPS 2014, 2014
  18. "Linking TOC and trace elements characteristics for identifying paleoredox conditions in sedimentary copper deposit in Nahand-Ivand area north of Tabriz NW Iran."
    Seyedeh Narges Sadati, Mohammad Yazdi, Mehrdad Behzadi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    goldschmidt2014, pp.2157-2159, 2014
  19. "linking toc and trace element characteristics for identifing paleoredox condition in sedimentery copper deposit at nahand -ivand area north of tabriz nw iran"
    Seyedeh Narges Sadati, Mehrdad Behzadi, Mohammad Yazdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    goldschmidt2014, pp.1-15, 2014
  20. "The role of organic matter in genesis of sedimentary-hosted stratiform copper deposits in Nahand-Ivand area NW Iran"
    Mohammad Yazdi, Mehrdad Behzadi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    goldschmidt 2013, pp.2111-2112, 2013
  21. "Mineralogy geochemistry and genesis of the Anna Khatoon Cu deposit north of Tabriz (East Azarbaijan province)"
    Seyedeh Narges Sadati, Mohammad Yazdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    American Aquaculture conference 2013, No 40 , pp.124-125, 2013
  22. "Application of geochemical"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    procedia earth and planetary science, pp.31-35, 2013
  23. "depositional enviroment sequence stratigraphy and geochemistry of lower Cretaceous carbonates Fahliyan Formation S.W.Iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    international confrence on geology of mineral deposits, 2012
  24. "Geochemical characterization of the Sarvak Formation reservoir rocks in the sequence stratigraphic framework Fars area southern Iran"
    Parisa Gholami Zadeh, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    34 th international geological congress 2012, 2012
  25. "Microfacies and geochemistry of the Ilam formation in the Tang-e Rashid area Izeh S.W.Iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    34 th international geological congress 2012, 2012
  26. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    EPS2012, 2012
  27. "Thermal Maturity of Source and Reservoirs Rocks and Crude Oils of Bangestan and Khami Reservoir of Dezful Embayment in Marun oil Field Iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    GEO 2012, 2012
  28. "Temperate versus sub-Tropical Carbonate Reservoirs(Resent and Ancient Exaples)"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    GEO 2012, 2012
  29. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Geo2012, 2012
  30. "microfacies and geochemistry of the tarbur formation in fars area type and khan - e - nahr surface section"
    h hooshmand koochi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, m rubberti, Abbas Sadeghi,
    societa geologica italiana roma 2011, 2011
  31. "determination of orginal mineralogy in surmeh formation from sw iran using by o and c isotope and trace element analysis"
    Maryam Mirshahani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, m memariani, m bahremandi
    geocanada 2010 convention, 2010
  32. "effect of post-depositional processes on the upper devonian carbonate rocks in the Kuh-e Kaftari western central Iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    EGU2010, 2010
  33. "fluid inclusion analysis and geochemical characteristic of jurassic carbonates case study from high zagros zone kohrang area sw iran"
    Maryam Mirshahani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, m.r. kamali, m memariani, Abbas Sadeghi
    the 1st international applied geological congress, 2010
  34. "reservoir modeling and characterization"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    geo 2010, 2010
  35. "depositional hisrory and nummulite reservoir of the jehrum (zagros) and ziyarat (alborz) formations iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2010
  36. "organic geochemistry of crude oils and probable source and reservoir rocks of marun oil field sw iran"
    bowden stephen, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2010
  37. "effects of eustasy on the facies sedimentary environment of the lower cretaceous deposits in the east of kopet dagh. ne iran"
    Amir Mohammad Jamali, Abbas Sadeghi, Ahmad Shemirani, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    63rd geological congress of turkey, pp.86-86, 2010
  38. "biostratigraphy and palynostratigraphy of asmari formation at the katula stratigraphic section (izeh zone) in the zagros basin"
    Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    63rd geological congress of turkey, 2010
  39. "dolomitization of shahbazan formation at kialu section"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    27 th ias 2009, 2009
  40. "the survey paragenetic sequence of dolomites dolomite and calcite cements"
    Asad Abdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Maryam Mirshahani, Ghorbanali Abdi
    27th ias meeting sedimentary of mediterranerranean island, 2009
  41. "the study of paleoenvironment of shahbazan formation and relationship between microfacies and minor element geochemical"
    Ghorbanali Abdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    27th ias meeting sedimentary of mediterranerranean island, 2009
  42. "oligosen -miyosen zaman araliginda dezful korfezi kisimlari ve izeh zonu icindeki asmari formasyonu havaza analizleri ve sedimanter ortamlari"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    62 geological congress of turkiye, 2009
  43. "sedimentary environments basin analysis of asmari formation in the izeh zone and north parts of dezful embayment from oigocene to miocene"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    62 geological congress of turkiye, 2009
  44. "geochemistry of the sarvak formation in the kuh e siah southern iran"
    parisa cholami, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    recent advances in geology and seismology, 2009
  45. "Multistage dolomitizationin the tarbur formation"
    Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    33rd IGC - international geological congress oslo 2008, 2008
  46. "Depositional history of jahrum formation (late eocene) based on distribution of large denthic foraminifera and strontium isotope stratigraphy on the bushehr area"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    33rd IGC - international geological congress oslo 2008, 2008
  47. "Dolomitization of a carbonae platform upper jurassic gasreservoir mozduran formation koper- dagh basin northeast iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Geo arabia middle east petroleum geosciences, 2008
  48. "Revised lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the tarbur type section kuh-e-gadvan northeast of shiraz fars area Iran"
    Hassan Amiri Bakhtyar, Ahmad Shemirani, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    geoarabia middle east petroleum geosciences, pp.126-126, 2008
  49. "Revised lirhostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the tarbur type section kuh-e-gadvan northeast of shiraz fars area iran"
    Hassan Amiri Bakhtyar, Ahmad Shemirani, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    Geo arabia middle east petroleum geosciences, pp.126-126, 2008
  50. "Sedimentary characteristics of llan formation in mansouri and abteymour wells and izeh outcrop"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    Geo arabia middle east petroleum geosciences, 2008
  51. "Application of geochemical data in recognition of subtropical carbonate environment of Ilam Formation Izeh Iran."
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    12th water-rock interaction symposium, 2007
  52. "Application of geochemical data in recognition of subtropical carbonate environment of Ilam Formation Izeh Iran."
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    12th water-rock interaction symposium, 2007
  53. "Palaeoenviromenal reconstruction sequence stratigraphy and palaeotemperature estimation of the upper paleocene to middle eocene tale- zang formation in the zagros basin ( south-west iran)"
    Afshin Zohdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    13th bathurst meeting of carbonate sedimentologists, pp.55-55, 2007
  54. "Reconstruction of the sedmentary environment and the petrographic and geochemical evidence for the original aragonite mineraloy of lower cretaceous carbonates(fahliyan formation) in the zagros sedimentary basin iran"
    Mohammadali Salehi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    13th bathurst meeting of carbonate sedimentologists, 2007
  55. "Geochemical study on rudists of the tarbur formation in zagros basin"
    Hassan Amiri Bakhtyar, Ahmad Shemirani, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    European geosciences union(EGU general assembly 2007), 2007
  56. "Application of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Spectroscopy and geochemistry as evidence for hydrothermal alteration in carbonates"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    18th Australian Earth Science Convention, 2006
  57. "Small Shelly fossils from the lower Camberian Soltanieh type section (N.E. of Zanjan) N.W. Iran"
    - SEYAB-GHODSI, B HAMDI, Mohammad hosein Adabi, A SADEGHI
    Fourth International Symposium of Camberian System, 2005
  58. "Geochemical studies of trace elements in the Vishan-Tekieh Pb-Zn deposit (South Arak)"
    A KHAkZAD, Mohammad hosein Adabi, L SALEHI
    Mineralogical Conference, 2005
  59. "Lower Camberian trace fossils from the Soltanieh type section (N.E. of Zanjan) N.W. Iran"
    - SEYAB-GHODSI, B HAMDI, Mohammad hosein Adabi, A SADEGHI
    Fourth International Symposium of Camberian System, 2005
  60. "Geochemistary and sedimentary environments of Permian deposits in eastern-central Iran"
    S AREFIFARD, Mohammad hosein Adabi, V.I Davydov
    Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology Conference Fall Meeting, 2004
  61. "Aragonite versus calcite seas throughout the Phanerozoic fact or fiction"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    17th Australian Geology Convention, 2004
  62. "Petrographic and geochemical criteria for recognition of unaltered cold water and diagenetically altered Neoproterozoic dolomite western Tasmania Australia"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    16th Australian Geology Convention, 2002
  63. "Carbonate hosted gold deposit in Tasmania Australia"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    15th Australian Geology Convention, 2000
  64. "Cold water dolomite (Renison Australia) implications for Neoproterozoic palaeoclimate"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, C.p RAO
    14th Australian Geology Convention, 1998
  65. "The source of hydrothermal fluids responsible for carbonate alteration Renison Tasmania Australia"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, C.p RAO, P.A KITTO
    13th Geology Convention, 1996
  66. "Application of oxygen and carbon isotopes as evidence for alteration in carbonates"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, J.C MOORT
    2nd Inter. Conference on Isotopes, 1996
  67. "Petrographic elemental and isotopic criteria for the recognition of carbonate mineralogy and climates during the Jurassic (examples from Iran and England)"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, C.p RAO
    13th Geology Convention, 1996
  68. ""
    Boshra Soleimani poorlak, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Ehsan Dehyadegari
    , 2020
  69. ""
    Armin Zarvani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Ehsan Dehyadegari, Amir Hossein Ghodrati
    , 2020
  70. ""
    Yadolah Ezampanah, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Amir mohammad Jamali, Ali Soleimani
    , pp.37-43, 2019
  71. ""
    Hamid Reza Karimnejad Lalami, Hossein Hajialibeigi, Shahram Sherkati, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2019
  72. ""
    Mohammad Shalalvand, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Afshin Zohdi
    , pp.604-613, 2018
  73. ""
    Nastaran Azadbakht, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abdolreza Bavi Owydi
    , pp.11-17, 2018
  74. ""
    Nastaran Azadbakht, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abdolreza Bavi Owydi
    , pp.1-10, 2018
  75. ""
    Abas Torabi Gharbeh, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj
    , pp.152-158, 2018
  76. ""
    Abdolreza Bavi Owydi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, Hassan Amiri Bakhtiar, Nastaran Azadbakht
    , pp.96-101, 2018
  77. ""
    Dana Shavisy, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    , pp.9-17, 2018
  78. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2017
  79. ""
    Mahsa Ahmadi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    , pp.440-448, 2017
  80. ""
    Armin Zarvani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Nasrin Hadavandkhani, Amirhossein Ghodratishahtoori
    , 2017
  81. ""
    mohammad hadi modaressi, farajollah fayazi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, mehran moradpour
    , 2017
  82. ""
    bahman godarzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2017
  83. ""
    amir shahabi nia, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2017
  84. "the effect of original carbonate mineralogy on diagenetic and porosity evolotion in the early triassic central iran (3 -4 esfand 1394 iran-tehran)"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.1-9, 2016
  85. ""
    Morteza Beygi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2016
  86. ""
    Yazdan Golestan, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2016
  87. "Evidence for late Neoproterozoic glaciation (ca. 560 Ma) in oldest sedimentary exposures of northern Iran (Kahar Formation)"
    Najmeh Etemad Saeed, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, neithaniel miller, Abbas Sadeghi,
    at the u.s. iran france conference on climate change les Treilles Tourtour France, 2015
  88. ""
    Elahe Kheshtkar, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , pp.1-10, 2013
  89. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Abbas Sadeghi,
    , 2012
  90. "Reservoir characteristics and diagenesis effects in the Permian-Triassic Upper Dalan and Kangan Formation at the Lavan Gas Field Persian Gulf"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Nahid Ahmadi,
    29th ias meeting of sedimentology, 2012
  91. "reservoir characteristics and diagenesis effects in the permian -triassic upper dalan and kangan formations at the lavan gas field persian gulf"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    29th ias meeting of sedimentology, 2012
  92. "sequence stratigrapy and reservoir quality of the upper dalan and kangan formations persin gulf basin iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    29th ias meeting of sedimentology, 2012
  93. "Sequence stratigraphy and reservoir quality of upper Dalan and Kangan formations Persian Gulf Basin Iran"
    Nahid Ahmadi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    29th ias meeting of sedimentology, 2012
  94. ""
    Elahe Kheshtkar, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.1-9, 2012
  95. ""
    ARDESHIR POURSHABAN, Mohammad Yazdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , pp.1-10, 2012
  96. ""
    Bahman Golchin, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahdi Shadan,
    , 2011
  97. ""
    Masoumeh Rasooli, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Aram Baytgol
    , 2011
  98. ""
    Bahman Golchin, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2011
  99. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2011
  100. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    , 2011
  101. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Amir Mohammad Jamali
    , 2011
  102. ""
    Hassan Alijani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    , 2011
  103. ""
    Bahman Golchin, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahdi Shadan,
    , 2011
  104. ""
    Yadollah Ezampanah, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Amir Mohammad Jamali
    , 2011
  105. ""
    Zahra Mohammadi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi,
    , 2011
  106. ""
    Zahra Mohammadi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi,
    , 2011
  107. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2011
  108. ""
    Fatemeh Amiri Bahman Beygloo, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.239-239, 2011
  109. ""
    Masoumeh Rasooli, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2011
  110. ""
    Roghayeh Hosseini, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    , 2010
  111. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.219-219, 2010
  112. ""
    Roghayeh Hosseini, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Abbas Sadeghi
    , 2010
  113. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.221-221, 2010
  114. ""
    Roghayeh Hosseini, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Abbas Sadeghi
    , 2010
  115. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.230-230, 2010
  116. "Depositional environment microfacies and diagenesis of surmeh formation in kohrang area high zagros zone SW iran"
    Maryam Mirshahani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, N Eftekhari, m.r kamali, m memariani
    14th international oil gas petrochemical congress, pp.123-123, 2010
  117. ""
    Mahdi Raziani, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.132-136, 2010
  118. ""
    Abdolvahab Kazemi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.247-251, 2010
  119. ""
    Siavash Maleki, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2010
  120. ""
    Seyed Saeed Hashemi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2010
  121. ""
    Siavash Maleki, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2010
  122. ""
    Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2010
  123. ""
    Masoomeh Saeedi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2010
  124. ""
    Azam Mahanipour, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2010
  125. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2010
  126. ""
    Masoomeh Saeedi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2010
  127. ""
    Zahra Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj
    , 2010
  128. ""
    Amaneh Ghorbani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Sima Sohrabi
    , 2010
  129. ""
    Amaneh Ghorbani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Sima Sohrabi
    , 2009
  130. ""
    Amaneh Ghorbani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Sima Sohrabi
    , 2009
  131. ""
    Siavash Maleki, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2009
  132. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2009
  133. ""
    Amaneh Ghorbani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Sima Sohrabi
    , 2009
  134. ""
    Amaneh Ghorbani, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi, Sima Sohrabi
    , 2009
  135. ""
    Seyed Saeed Hashemi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2009
  136. ""
    Zahra Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Sima Sohrabi
    , 2009
  137. ""
    Zahra Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Sima Sohrabi
    , 2009
  138. ""
    Zahra Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Sima Sohrabi
    , 2009
  139. ""
    Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2009
  140. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    , 2009
  141. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    , 2009
  142. "reservoir characterization and tectonic settings of ahwas sandstone member of the asmri formation in the zagros mountain sw of iran"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammadali Salehi, Afshin Zohdi
    Geophysical Research Abstracts, 2009
  143. ""
    Fatemeh Amiri Bahman Beygloo, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2009
  144. ""
    Fatemeh Amiri Bahman Beygloo, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2009
  145. ""
    Masoud Hemmat, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  146. ""
    Rakhshande Abbasi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  147. ""
    Rakhshande Abbasi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj,
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  148. ""
    Abbas Sadeghi, Ahmad Shemirani, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  149. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, Asad Abdi
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  150. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  151. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Parisa GholamiZADEH, Abbas Sadeghi
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  152. ""
    Mohammadali Salehi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  153. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  154. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  155. ""
    Seyed Haydar Rahmanizadeh, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  156. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  157. ""
    Parisa GholamiZADEH, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  158. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    12th Symposium of Geological Society of Iran, 2009
  159. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2008
  160. ""
    Parisa GholamiZADEH, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    , 2008
  161. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Masoud Lotfpoor
    , 2008
  162. ""
    Rakhshande Abbasi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Hormoz Ghalavand, Masoud Lotfpoor
    , 2008
  163. ""
    Masoud Hemmat, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Hassan Amiri Bakhtyar,
    , 2008
  164. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Hossein Hajialibeigi, Seyed ahmad Alavi,
    , 2008
  165. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    , 2008
  166. ""
    Mohammad Vahidi Nia, Abbas Sadeghi, Ahmad Shemirani, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2008
  167. ""
    Ahmad Shemirani, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2008
  168. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2008
  169. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2008
  170. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi, Hassan Amiri Bakhtyar
    , 2008
  171. ""
    Mohammad Vahidi Nia, Abbas Sadeghi, Ahmad Shemirani, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2008
  172. ""
    Parisa GholamiZADEH, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.1-9, 2008
  173. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2008
  174. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    , 2008
  175. ""
    Asad Abdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2008
  176. ""
    Maryam Poorbagher, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi,
    , pp.2166-2174, 2007
  177. ""
    Abbas Sadeghi, Ahmad Shemirani, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.1724-1731, 2007
  178. ""
    Asad Abdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.2290-2297, 2007
  179. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.490-495, 2007
  180. ""
    Mohammad Vahidi Nia, Abbas Sadeghi, Ahmad Shemirani, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , pp.1815-1823, 2007
  181. ""
    Masoud Shayesteh, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.2261-2269, 2007
  182. ""
    Hassan Amiri Bakhtyar, Ahmad Shemirani, Abbas Sadeghi, Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , pp.166-172, 2007
  183. ""
    Mohammad Vahidi Nia, Abbas Sadeghi, Ahmad Shemirani, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , pp.159-165, 2007
  184. ""
    Afshin Zohdi, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mirreza Moosavi tasooj, Hassan Amiri Bakhtyar,
    , 2007
  185. ""
    Mahboobeh Asghari, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2007
  186. "Microfacies and sedimentary environment of Ilam Formation in Kamestan Anticline (North of Izeh)"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    25th Symposium on Geoscience, 2007
  187. "Oil mixing of Asmari and Bangestan reservoirs in Maron Oil Fild"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    25th Symposium on Geoscience, 2007
  188. "Sequence stratigraphy of Taleh- Zang Formation in type section Kialo outcrop (South of Lurestan)"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    25th Symposium on Geoscience Iran, 2007
  189. "Application of Mn and Fe in sequence stratigraphy. Example from Asmari Formation in Karanj Oil Field"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    25th Symposium on Geoscience, 2007
  190. "Original carbonate mineralogy and its role in reconstruction of sedimentary environment of Asmari Formation Karanj and Haftgel Oil Fields"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    25th Symposium on Geoscience, 2007
  191. "Sequence stratigraphy of Fahliyan Formation in type section and well number 55 of Gachsaran Oil Field"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    25th Symposium on Geoscience, 2007
  192. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    25th Symposium on Geoscience, 2007
  193. "Microfacies sedimentary environment and stratigraphy of Asmari Formation in Tang-e Pabdeh section ( in south flank of Gurpi Anticline)"
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    25th Symposium on Geoscience, 2007
  194. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2006
  195. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2006
  196. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2006
  197. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2006
  198. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2006
  199. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2006
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2006
  201. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2006
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Abbas Sadeghi
  204. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2005
  205. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2005
  206. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2005
  207. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2005
  208. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Ahmad Khakzad
    , 2004
  209. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2004
  210. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2004
  211. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2004
  212. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2004
  213. ""
    Javad Khosravani Tavana, Mohammad hosein Adabi, Mahboubeh Hosseini-Barzi
    , 2003
  214. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2003
  215. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2003
  216. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2003
  217. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2003
  218. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2003
  219. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2003
  220. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2002
  221. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2002
  222. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2002
  223. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi, Hormoz Ghalavand,
    , 2001
  224. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2001
  225. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2001
  226. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2001
  227. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 2001
  228. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 2000
  229. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 1999
  230. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 1998
  231. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 1998
  232. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 1997
  233. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 1997
  234. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 1991
  235. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 1990
  236. ""
    Mohammad hosein Adabi,
    , 1985
  237. ""
    Ahmad Khakzad, Mohammad hosein Adabi
    , 1921