Tayebeh Akbari Azirani

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-03-14

Tayebeh Akbari Azirani

Earth Sciences / Physical Geography

Journal Paper

  1. "The impact of climate change on Quaternary glaciers of Gharaghom Basin in Iran"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Hosein Ghorbani
    THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, Vol. 155, pp.1429-1450, 2024
  2. "Drought analysis in the Lakes of Iran (Case study: Lake Urmia and Gavkhuni Swamp)"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Sustainable Earth Review, Vol. 2, pp.35-47, 2022
  3. "The sources and quality of Iranian honey"
    Elmira Khansaritore, Salmaki Yasaman, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Henareh Farnood, Alizadeh Kamaleddin, Ramezani Elias , Zarre Shahin, Beckh Gudrun, Behling Hermann
    Heliyon, Vol. 4, 2021
  4. "Seasonal and Annual Segregation of Liquid Water and Ice Clouds in Iran and Their Relation to Geographic Components and Precipitation"
    Mahmoud Ahmadi, AbbasAli Dadashiroudbari, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Behnaz Nasiri- Khuzani
    THEORETICAL AND APPLIED CLIMATOLOGY, Vol. 140, pp.963-982, 2020
  5. "Employing DNA metabarcoding to determine the geographical origin of honey"
    Elmira Khansari, Yasaman Salmaki, Elias Ramezani, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Alexander Keller, Katrin Neumann, Kamaleddin Alizadeh, Shahin Zarre, Gudrun Beckh , Hermann Behling
    Heliyon, Vol. 6, 2020
    Gholamreza Barati, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Mohammad Moradi, AIESHEH SHAMEKHI
    Desert, Vol. 25, pp.249-259, 2020
  7. "Synoptic- Thermodynamic Analysis of Pervasive Hailstorm Case Study Tehran March 30 2015"
    Mahmoud Ahmadi, Farzaneh Jafari Hombari, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, AbbasAli Dadashiroudbari
    Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, Vol. 9, pp.155-175, 2017
  8. "Late glacial and early Holocene hydroclimate variability in northwest Iran (Talesh Mountains) inferred from chironomid and pollen analysis"
    Cyril Aubert, Elodie Brisset , Morteza Djamali , Arash Sharifi , Philippe Ponel , Belinda Gambin, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Fre´de´ric Guibal , Hamid Lahijani , Abdolmajid Naderi Beni , Jacques-Louis De Beaulieu , Jacques-Louis De Beaulieu , Ali Pourmand, Vale´rie Andrieu-Ponel, Alain Thie´ry , Emmanuel Gandouin
    JOURNAL OF PALEOLIMNOLOGY, Vol. 17, pp.1-17, 2017
  9. "The Role of Blocking System in Heavy Precipitation of Iran"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, , ,
    Arabian Journal of Geosciences, Vol. 9, pp.591-609, 2016
  10. "Synoptic analysis of the effect of Cut Off Lows in heavy rainfall in Iran"
    Shahram Lotfi geranchai, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Alireza Shakiba, fatemeh rabani, Ameneh Dasht bozorgi
    Vol. 12, pp.205-232, 2024
  11. "The trend analysis of dust phenomenon changes in the western region of Iran during 1979-2018"
    Amene Yahyavi dizaj, Ghasem Kekhosravi, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 14, pp.147-162, 2023
  12. ""
    Amene Yahyavi dizaj, Khadijeh Javan, Shariar Khaledi, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 11, pp.39-58, 2023
  13. "Seasonal analysis of reference transpirations evaporans piration and its sensitivity to meteorological elements in Iran"
    Amene Yahyavi dizaj, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Shariar Khaledi, Khadijeh Javan
    Vol. 37, pp.643-657, 2023
  14. "Modeling and analysis of the hydroclimate of Qara Qom watershed in recent years"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Hosein Ghorbani
    Vol. 12, pp.109-129, 2023
  15. ""
    MASUMEH CHANGAEE, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Shariar Khaledi, Ataa Hassanpur
    Vol. 26, pp.28-55, 2023
  16. "Detection and trend analysis of drought in the Jazmurian basin of Iran associated with ocean- atmospheric indices"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 3, pp.1-16, 2022
  17. ""
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Hosein Ghorbani, Jamileh Gholipour
    Vol. 3, pp.43-56, 2022
  18. "Identification of Suitable Climatic Regions for Bee-keeping in Isfahan Province with a Combined Approach of Fuzzy Logic and Melissopalynology"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Ahmadreza Mehrabian, Parisa Asadi
    Vol. 74, pp.776-796, 2022
  19. ""
    Kobra Shojaeizadeh, Shariar Khaledi, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 10, pp.192-207, 2022
  20. ""
    Fatemeh Alinejad, Ahmadreza Mehrabian, Asadollah Ahmadikhah, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Dariush Minai-Tehrani
    Vol. 11, pp.75-86, 2022
  21. ""
    Fatemeh Alinejad, Ahmadreza Mehrabian, Asadollah Ahmadikhah, Dariush Minai-Tehrani, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 16, pp.35-57, 2022
  22. ""
    Ashraf Asadi, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 3, pp.99-107, 2021
  23. ""
    Shahram Lotfi geranchai, Alireza Shakiba, Ameneh DAshtbozorgi, Fatemeh Rabani, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 13, pp.57-74, 2021
  24. "Seasonal Changes of Liquid Clouds in the Area of Iran Based on Data of MODIS Sensor of TERRA Satellite"
    Mahmoud Ahmadi, AbbasAli Dadashiroudbari, Behnaz Nasiri khozani, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 29, pp.7-19, 2020
  25. ""
    Mehdi Heydari, Shariar Khaledi, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 51, pp.123-134, 2019
  26. "The Performance of the HadGEM2-ES Model in the Evaluation of Seasonal Temperature Anomaly of Iran under RCP scenarios"
    Mahmoud Ahmadi, AbbasAli Dadashiroudbari, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Jamal Karami
    Vol. 45, pp.625-644, 2019
  27. "Modeling Climate Change in order to Detect Drought Cycles at Lake Neor based on Past and Future Pridiction Approaches"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Mahmoud Ahmadi, AbbasAli Dadashiroudbari
    Vol. 3, pp.21-39, 2018
  28. "Geochemical and Palynological analysis of Lake Gahar s sediment core in high Zagros Mountains"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Razieh lal, Reza shahbazi, Mehrnoosh Ghadimi, , Fariba Karami, Peter Wigand, Kamalodin Alizadeh, Herman Behling
    Vol. 2, pp.27-40, 2016
  29. ""
    Masoumeh Moghbel, Mehrnoosh Ghadimi, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 1, pp.24-34, 2016
  30. "Comparison of the accuracy of stream patterns extracted from ASTER DEM and topographic maps( case study Oshtorankooh)"
    , , , Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 16, pp.219-235, 2016
  31. "Paleoclimate modeling and identification of anthropogenic effects in high Zagros Mountains"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, , , , ,
    Vol. 13, pp.89-102, 2015
  32. ""
    , Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Vol. 4, pp.95-108, 2014
  33. ""
    , Tayebeh Akbari Azirani,
    Vol. 4, pp.1-12, 2014
  34. "Pollen analysis of sediments for reconstruction of paleoclimatic phases in Lake Neor during late-glatial"
    , Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, , ,
    Vol. 1, pp.1-20, 2013
  35. ""
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani,
    Vol. 20, pp.56-74, 2009
  36. ""
    , Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, mahmoud davoudi, mehri akbari
    pp.1-19, 2009
  37. ""
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    pp.117-132, 2007

Conference Paper

  1. "Climate change and reference evapotranspiration trends in Tehran"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Khadigeh Javan, Amene Yahyavi dizaj
    3 rd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 2024
  2. "Simulations of past and future conditions of the Quaternary glaciers of Gharaghom Basin in Iran"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Hosein Ghorbani
    3 rd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences, 2024
  3. "Climate Change and Extreme Events in Urmia Lake"
    Khadijeh javan, Shariar Khaledi, Amene Yahyavi dizaj, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences Iran, Gorgan 2021, pp.125-132, 2021
  4. "Environmental Changes in Lakes of Iran in Anthropocene epoch (Case study: Gavkhuni Swamp)"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    2nd International Conference on Quaternary Sciences Iran, Gorgan 2021, pp.32-35, 2021
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    First Annual International Conference -Workshop on the Role ofClimate Change and Land Use, pp.23-23, 2018
  6. "Reconstruction of Paleo-drought Conditions Associated with Monsoon System in Makran Iran"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, AbbasAli Dadashiroudbari
    9th international conference on geomorphology, 2017
  7. "The Application of Physico-chemical Method Associated with Melissopalynology to Identify Quality of Honey in Iran"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Kamaleddin Alizafeh, Herman Behling
    , 2017
  8. "Palynological and Physiochemical Monitoring of Iranian Honey"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Elias Ramezani, Alizadeh Kamaleddin, Herman Behling
    European Pollen Database Meeting and training workshops 1-3 Jun 2016, 2016
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology Resilience of Tropical Ecosystems Future challenges and opportunities, pp.174-180, 2015
  10. "Detection of climate change in Lake Gahar region in Lorestan province of Iran as a subtropical region"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Fariba Karami
    Annual Conference of the Society for Tropical Ecology Resilience of Tropical Ecosystems Future challenges and opportunities, pp.302-303, 2015
  11. "environmental change during late quaternary in Lake Neor"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    A QuickLakeH Workshop on Rapidly Changing Large Lakes and Human Response, 2013
  12. ""
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, kHADIJEH JAVAN, Amene Yahyavi dizaj
    The First National Congress on Climate Change and Health, 2024
  13. ""
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Khadijeh Javan, mehdi erfanian, Amene Yahyavi dizaj
    7TH International Conference on Climate Change, pp.1-11, 2024
  14. ""
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Alireza Shakiba, Shahram Lotfi geranchai
    7TH International Conference on Climate Change, pp.1-21, 2024
  15. ""
    MASUMEH CHANGAEE, Ataa hassanpour, Shariar Khaledi, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    9th National Conference of Iranina Assocoiation of Geomorphology, pp.1-8, 2023
  16. ""
    Hosein Ghorbani, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    9th National Conference of Iranina Assocoiation of Geomorphology, pp.1-5, 2023
  17. "Future cities and the risk of local and extra-local dust (a case study of western Iran)"
    Amene Yahyavi dizaj, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , pp.1134-1145, 2023
  18. ""
    Fatemeh Alinejad, Ahmadreza Mehrabian, Asadollah Ahmadikhah, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Dariush Minai-Tehrani
    1st National Conference on Medicinal Plant, Entrepreneurship and Commercialization 10-11th Nov 2021, University of Jiroft, pp.1-8, 2021
  19. "A study on the outcome of anthropogenic effects in Iranian lakes during the Anthropocene"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    8th National Conference of Iranian Association of Geomorphology(Geomorphology, Function and Necessities), pp.1-6, 2021
  20. "Seasonal Change Detecion of Surface Temperature over Kermanshah Province through Google Earth Engine (GEE)"
    Parisa Kahrari, Shariar Khaledi, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , pp.1-14, 2020
  21. ""
    Reza Moghadam, Shariar Khaledi, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , pp.1-5, 2020
  22. ""
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , 2020
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    Nemat allh Hosseini nia, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , 2020
  24. "Evaluation and Prediction of Kermanshah Extreme Temperature Based on CMIP5 Models under Representative Concentration Pathway (RCPs)"
    Mahmoud Ahmadi, Jamal Karami, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, AbbasAli Dadashiroudbari
    , pp.88-98, 2019
  25. "Detection of Climate Change by Modis Products in Golestan Province"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Ashraf Asadi
    , pp.79-79, 2019
  26. "Investigation the effect of climate change on vegetation cover case study Jolfa"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Shahram Lotfi geranchai
    1st International and 4th National Congress on Iranian Irrigation and Drainage (INCID2019),Urmia University, 13-14 November, 2019, pp.1-13, 2019
  27. ""
    Mahmoud Ahmadi, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Jamal Karami
    International Conference on Climate Change, Impacts, Adaptation and Mitigation, pp.1-13, 2019
  28. "Analysis of Paleo- Climatic Condition Associated with Ancient Civilization in South East of Iran"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Hamid Reza Valipour
    , pp.619-623, 2018
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    Aida Deyrmajai, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , pp.511-516, 2018
  30. ""
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , pp.1552-1557, 2018
  31. "Climate Change Modeling and Drought Detection of Lake Neor by Approaching to Past Present and Future"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani, Mahmoud Ahmadi, AbbasAli Dadashiroudbari
    National and International Conferences of Iranian Quaternary Association, pp.114-137, 2018
  32. ""
    Esmaeil Bakhshi, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , 2017
  33. ""
    AbbasAli Dadashiroudbari, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , 2017
  34. ""
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , 2017
  35. ""
    Fatemeh Shayeghan Nour, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , 2017
  36. ""
    Asadi Ashraf, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , 2017
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    Najme Alaeii, Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , 2017
  38. "Modeling Past climatic variables data and identification of the data certify"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , 2016
  39. ""
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    4th International Conference on Environmental challenges and Dendrochronology Institute of Caspian Ecosystems, 2014
  40. "the application of pollen counting as bioindicator og indangerd species for studying the climate chang and trand"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    4th International Conference on Environmental challenges and Dendrochronology Institute of Caspian Ecosystems, pp.32-33, 2014
  41. "Investigation of effective factors in karstification of springs of Oshtoran Kooh Mountains Zagros Iran"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    4th International Conference on Environmental challenges and Dendrochronology Institute of Caspian Ecosystems, 2014
  42. "A synoptic analysis of February 2014 sever cold in Iran"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    4th International Conference on Environmental challenges and Dendrochronology Institute of Caspian Ecosystems, 2014
  43. "the application of palynology in climate change investigation in iran"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    4th International Conference on Environmental challenges and Dendrochronology Institute of Caspian Ecosystems, pp.28-29, 2014
  44. "The Evidence of climate change in Zagros"
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    4th International Conference on Environmental challenges and Dendrochronology Institute of Caspian Ecosystems, No بهار 1393 , 2014
  45. ""
    Tayebeh Akbari Azirani
    , pp.6-10, 2014