Bahman Rahimzadeh

Assistant Professor

Update: 2025-02-21

Bahman Rahimzadeh

Earth Sciences /

Journal Paper

  1. "Cr-spinel Mineral Chemistry from Sawlava Ophiolite Complex Kurdistan NW Iran Geotectonic Setting Implication"
    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Fariborz Masoudi, amir ali tanbakh shabani
    GEOLOGIA COLOMBIANA, pp.419-436,
  2. "Gem-quality Variscite from Central Iran"
    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Seyedeh Sahar Raeis Zadeh, Parisa Hadipanah
    Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 38, pp.319-321, 2022
  3. "Identification of Fe3+ content in Epidote from Varan, Urumieh-Dokhtar magmatic arc, Iran: using FTIR and Raman spectroscopy"
    Ghosoun Zheira, Fariborz Masoudi, Bahman Rahimzadeh
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 14, pp.131-139, 2022
  4. "A showcase of igneous processes in the Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc: the Miocene-Quaternary collisional magmatism of the Bijar-Qorveh area, northwest Iran"
    Lorenzo Fedele, Bahman Rahimzadeh, Giulia Salari, Samuele Agostini, Fariborz Masoudi, Michele Lustrino
    JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY, Vol. 63, pp.1-28, 2022
    Jamshid Ahmadi, John Rakovan, Bahman Rahimzadeh
    Rocks and Minerals, Vol. 97, pp.448-451, 2022
  6. "Identification of Fe3+ content in Epidote from Varan, Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc, Iran: using FTIR and Raman spectroscopy by"
    Ghosoun Zheira, Fariborz Masoudi, Bahman Rahimzadeh
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 14, pp.131-139, 2022
  7. "Raman spectroscopy study of the secondary actinolite in gabbrodiorite intrusive rocks from Varan area, Urumieh- Dokhtar Magmatic Arc, Iran"
    Ghosoun Zheira, Bahman Rahimzadeh, Fariborz Masoudi
    Iranian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol. 14, pp.78-86, 2022
  8. "A unique period of bimodal volcanism at 130-110 Ma in the northern Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone: Evidence for an extensional setting"
    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Shahryar Mahmoudi, Fernando Corfu, Vahid Ahadnejad, Albrecht Von Quadt
    LITHOS, Vol. 392-393, 2021
  9. "Quaternary melanephelinites and melilitites from Nowbaran (NW Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc, Iran): origin of ultrabasic-ultracalcic melts in a post-collisional setting"
    Michele Lustrino, Giulia Salari, Bahman Rahimzadeh, Lorenzo Fedele, Fariborz Masoudi, Samuele Agostini
    JOURNAL OF PETROLOGY, Vol. 62, pp.1-31, 2021
  10. "Herkimer Diamond' Quartz from North-western Iran"
    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Parisa Hadipanah
    Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 37, pp.567-569, 2021
  11. "The Paleogene Ophiolite Conundrum of the Iran-Iraq Border Region"
    Hadi Shafaii Moghadam, Qiu-Li Li, Robert J. Stern, Massimo Chiaradia, Orhan Karsli, Bahman Rahimzadeh
    JOURNAL OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, Vol. 177, pp.955-964, 2020
  12. "Rhodonite from Southern Iran"
    Parisa Hadipanah, Bahman Rahimzadeh
    Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 37, pp.246-247, 2020
  13. "Geochemical Constraints on Eocene- Miocene Geodynamic and Magmatic Evolution of the Varan-Naragh Area, Geochemical Constraints on Eocene- Miocene Geodynamic and Magmatic Evolution of the Varan-Naragh Area, Urumieh-Dokhtar Magmatic Arc, Iran, Iran"
    Ghosoun Zheira, Fariborz Masoudi, Bahman Rahimzadeh
    CANADIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 9, pp.1048-1065, 2020
  14. "Analyzing the effects of tectonic and lithology on the occurrence of landslide along Zagros ophiolitic suture a case study of Sarv-Abad, Kurdistan, Iran"
    Shahram Bahrami , Bahman Rahimzadeh, Somaiyeh Khaleghi
    Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Vol. 79, pp.1619-1637, 2019
  15. "Active strike-slip faulting in the Zagros Mountains: Geological and geomorphological evidence of the pull-apart Zaribar Lake basin, Zagros, NW Iran"
    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Shahram Bahrami , Mohammad Mohajjel, Hossein Mahmoudi, Farzad Haj-Azizi
    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 174, pp.332-345, 2019
  16. "Apatite from Hormuz Island, Iran"
    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Rasoul Sheikhi Gheshlaghi
    Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 35, pp.6-7, 2016
  17. "Petrology and geochemistry of mafic magmatic rocks from the Sarve-Abad ophiolites (Kurdistan region Iran) Evidence for interaction between MORB-type asthenosphere and OIB-type components in the southern Neo-Tethys Ocean"
    , Emilio Saccani, Bahman Rahimzadeh
    TECTONOPHYSICS, Vol. 621, pp.132-147, 2014
  18. "Mineral chemistry and petrology of highly magnesian ultramafic cumulates from the Sarve-Abad (Sawlava) ophiolites (Kurdistan NW Iran) New evidence for boninitic magmatism in intra-oceanic fore-arc setting in the Neo-Tethys between Arabia and Iran"
    , Emilio Saccani, Bahman Rahimzadeh, Ottavia Zeda
    JOURNAL OF ASIAN EARTH SCIENCES, Vol. 79, pp.312-328, 2014
  19. "Petrology and geochemistry of serpentinites from Dalampar ophiolite mélange, NW Iran: insights into geodynamic evolution and metasomatic processes due to fluid/meltrock interactions"
    Auyob Vasinia, Mohammad Rahgoshay, Monsef Iman, Bahman Rahimzadeh, Mir Mohammad Miri
    Vol. 14, pp.506-536, 2024
  20. "Mineral chemistry and thermobarometry of peridotites in Dalampar ophiolite (Northeast Oshnavieh): implication to petrogenetic evolution and tectonomagmatic setting"
    Auyob Vasinia, Mohammad Rahgoshay, Monsef Iman, Bahman Rahimzadeh
    Petrological Journal, Vol. 14, pp.29-74, 2024
  21. "Albin volcanism in Marivan region: indication of extension in the Sanandaj-Sirjan continental arc"
    Akhtar Nezamivand chegini, Bahman Rahimzadeh
    Petrological Journal, Vol. 13, pp.107-126, 2023
  22. ""
    ayoub veisi nia, mohannad Ebrahimi, Bahman Rahimzadeh, Rasol esmaeili
    Vol. 31, pp.135-148, 2021
  23. "Crystallization condition and mineral chemistry of Adakitic rocks in north of Dehgolan, east of Kurdistan"
    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Parvin Shokrollahi, Ghosoun Zheira, Fariborz Masoudi
    Vol. 11, pp.1-22, 2020
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    Afshan Ghasemi, Mohammad reza Servati, Shahram Bahrami , Bahman Rahimzadeh
    Vol. 8, pp.207-220, 2020
  25. "The study of mineral chemistry of the Harzburgite in the Noorabad-Harsin ophiolite complex: Evidence from the evolution of partial melting of mantle peridotite from the deep ocean to the subduction zone"
    samaneh fallah, ahmad ahmadi khalaji, Auyob Vasinia, Zahra Tahmasbi, Bahman Rahimzadeh
    Petrological Journal, Vol. 11, pp.1-28, 2020
  26. "Petrogenesis and tectonic setting of the basic volcanic rocks from east of Qazvin, Central Alborz"
    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Mohammad Ebrahimi, Auyob Vasinia
    Vol. 27, pp.855-870, 2020
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    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Auyob Vasinia, Fariborz Masoudi, Amir Ali Tabakh shabani
    Vol. 5, pp.55-78, 2019
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    Afshan Ghasemi, Mohammad reza Servati, Shahram Bahrami , Bahman Rahimzadeh
    Vol. 30, pp.137-154, 2019
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    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Mehdi Movahed nia
    Vol. 29, pp.209-220, 2019
  30. "Geochemistry and geodynamic settingof crustal sequence in Shahini ophiolitic complex (NW of Kamyaran)"
    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Auyob Vasinia, mohammad ebrahimi, rasol esmaeili
    Petrological Journal, Vol. 10, pp.101-130, 2019
  31. "Magmatic evolution of Quaternary nephelinite and melilite-nephelinite rocks in west of Nowbaran (NW of Iran): The occurrence of calcite ijolite Symptoms of carbonatitic inclination"
    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Ayob Veisi Nia, Michele Lusterino, Samuele Agostini
    Petrological Journal, Vol. 9, pp.189-220, 2019
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    Bahman Rahimzadeh
    Vol. 28, pp.255-264, 2018
  33. "Mineral chemistry and crystallization of quaternary volcanoes in the Qorveh-Bijar axis"
    Bahman Rahimzadeh, Shokrolahi Parvin, Ghosoun Zheira, Fariborz Masoudi
    Vol. 3, pp.41-59, 2018
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    Rasoul Sheikhi Gheshlaghi, Bahman Rahimzadeh, Mansoor Ghorbani
    Vol. 11, pp.51-59, 2017