Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji

Associate Professor

Update: 2025-02-21

Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji

Earth Sciences / Geography and spatial Planning

Journal Paper

  1. "Resilience analysis of the local communities from a political economy perspective in Zanjan, Iran"
    Saeid Zarghami, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Maryam Abhari
    Scientific Reports, Vol. 13, 2023
  2. "Analyzing spatial-temporal correlation between the changes in land use and groundwater quantity in Hamedan-Bahar plain (Iran)"
    Hossein Rafie Mehr, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    Vol. 19, pp.259-276, 2021
  3. "Urban Development Process in Iran from the Management and Urban Planning View of Point"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    Vol. 1, pp.59-71, 2019
  4. "An Analysis of Influential Factors on Tourism Destinations Competitiveness"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, mehdi hesam, Mohammad Kazemi
    Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Vol. 2, pp.393-405, 2017
  5. "Environmental and Social Determinants of Life Satisfaction in TehranA Perception Study"
    Mohammad Kazemi, Jila Sajjadi, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Mohammad Taghi Razavian
    Journal of Environmental Management and Tourism, Vol. 23, pp.1325-1333, 2017
  6. "The Identify Unsafe Urban Areas Centers with Emphasis on Urban Crisis with Using GIS and A.H.P Model the Case Study Sanandaj City Zone of 6 and 7"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Saywan Nouri,
    ALLGEMEINE FORST UND JAGDZEITUNG, Vol. 2, pp.33-44, 2014
  7. "Investigation of Spatial Distribution and Optimal site Selection of Fire Station in Iran- a Case Study of Tehran Township Using GIS (AHP model)"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    ALLGEMEINE FORST UND JAGDZEITUNG, Vol. 2, pp.169-178, 2014
  8. "The history of fire fighting in the Iran and the study spatial distribuation of the current of fire stations and radius its function in Tehran city using GIS"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    asian journal of development matters, Vol. 5, pp.207-218, 2011
  9. "Geographical information systems and urban management"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    asian journal of development matters, Vol. 4, pp.91-94, 2010
  10. "Tourism sustainable development and management"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    asian journal of development matters, Vol. 4, pp.14-18, 2010
  11. "Study of urban Development process in Iran from the managment and urban planning view of point"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    asian journal of development matters, Vol. 3, pp.9-20, 2009
  12. "urban manegement adn non -official Accommodation an analysis"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, Vol. 48, pp.51-54, 2009
  13. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Sajad Darabi, Mohammad Molaei Parde
  14. "Institutional capacity and sustainable regional development (Case study: Bojnourd and Raz and Jorglan counties, North Khorasan province)"
    Khodakeram Molaie, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Mohammad Taghi Razavian, Jamileh Tavakkoli nia
    Vol. 14, pp.49-62, 2024
  15. "Pathology of urban parks and green spaces from the security perspective (case Study: District 5 of Shiraz)"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Sadaf Sahraeian
    Vol. 11, pp.61-88, 2023
  16. "An Analysis of Indicators of Vitality in Public Spaces with an Emphasis on the Security of Citizens (Case Study: Bensenjan Neighborhood of Yasuj)"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, ali saberi, maedeh tir
    Vol. 10, pp.173-203, 2023
  17. "Improving the sustainability of the urban environment in the Bashgah Naft neighborhood of the 21st district of Tehran (with emphasis on the smart growth approach)"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Parviz Aghaei, Sajad Saeedi
    Vol. 21, pp.149-168, 2023
  18. "Examining the reasons for non-compliance with the rules and regulations of approved plans by municipalities using MAXQDA software (case example: Ahvaz metropolis)"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Sajad Jokar
    Vol. 16, pp.155-174, 2023
  19. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, ali norozi
    Vol. 5, pp.311-320, 2022
  20. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    Vol. 15, pp.103-122, 2022
  21. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Noureddin Rahmati, ali esmaeilzadeh
    Vol. 4, pp.144-157, 2022
  22. ""
    nader shohani, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Sajjad Darabi, Saeed Yousefi
    Vol. 9, pp.215-232, 2022
  23. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, ali norozi
    Vol. 15, pp.103-122, 2022
  24. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, ali norozi
    Vol. 5, pp.120-134, 2022
  25. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    Vol. 52, pp.2-276, 2021
  26. ""
    Morteza Azari, Zohreh Fanni, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Jamileh Tavakkoli nia, akbar heidari
    Vol. 25, pp.121-144, 2021
  27. ""
    Khodakeram Molaie, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Mohammad Taghi Razavian, Jamileh Tavakkoli nia
    Vol. 3, pp.19-36, 2021
  28. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, PARVIZ AGHAEI, morad delalat, heidar mohammadi
    Vol. 9, pp.125-138, 2021
  29. ""
    Zohreh Fanni, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Ali Samani majd
    Vol. 11, pp.137-152, 2020
  30. ""
    Amir Sharifi, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Zohreh Fanni, keumars irandost
    Vol. 3, pp.55-69, 2020
  31. ""
    Aliasghar Lashgari, Jamileh Tavakkoli nia, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Zohreh Fanni, Pegah Moridsadat
    Vol. 11, pp.1-21, 2020
  32. ""
    Zohreh Fanni, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Ali Samani majd
    Vol. 10, pp.151-164, 2020
  33. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, mohammadreza salimi sobhan
    Vol. 2, pp.35-50, 2020
  34. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Hossein Rafie Mehr, mohammad reza salimi sobhan
    pp.189-213, 2020
  35. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Majid Eskandarpoor, Abdolbaset Doorzadeh mehr
    Vol. 8, pp.21-34, 2019
  36. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Sajjad Darabi, mohamad taghi razavian
    Vol. 20, pp.29-47, 2019
  37. "Investigation of spatial distribution and optimal site selection of fire station in Iran A case study of Tehran Township using GIS (AHP model)"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    Vol. 1, pp.72-87, 2019
  38. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Sajad Darabi
    Vol. 1, pp.263-281, 2019
  39. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Sajad Darabi
    Vol. 16, pp.180-193, 2019
  40. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Arman Moslemi, mohammad moradi, Hossein Rafie Mehr, abbas amini zadeh
    Vol. 16, pp.25-44, 2018
  41. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Mostafa Rezaei
    Vol. 2, pp.66-88, 2018
  42. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, PARVIZ AGHAEI, heydar mohammadi
    Vol. 6, pp.190-207, 2017
  43. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, PARVIZ AGHAEI, Hosein Raeesi
    Vol. 5, pp.31-50, 2017
  44. ""
    Majid Eskandarpoor, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, yasin hanifi asl, naser shikhkanlo milan
    Vol. 14, pp.118-140, 2017
  45. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Seyed Mohammad Rezazade, ahmad ali mohammadi
    Vol. 14, pp.259-281, 2017
  46. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Ali Asghar Adinehvand, Mehdi Alian, Narges Nazari
    Vol. 4, pp.1-16, 2016
  47. ""
    Hassan Esmaeilzadeh, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Mehdi Alian, Ali Asghar Adinehvand
    Vol. 20, pp.1-40, 2016
  48. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Arman Moslme
    Vol. 13, pp.113-124, 2015
  49. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Saeed Zarghami, PARVIZ AGHAEI
    Vol. 2, pp.139-156, 2014
  50. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Saywan Nouri
    pp.129-152, 2013

Conference Paper

  1. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Sajjad Darabi
    1st International and 5th National Conference on Sustainable Architecture and City, pp.1-9, 2020
  2. "Study of the Role of Citizens' Participation in the Stability"
    Saeid Zarghami, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    International academic conference on humanities and social science, pp.1-10, 2018
  3. "Study of the Role of Citizens' Participation in the sustainability"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Saeid Zarghami
    International academic conference on humanities and social science, pp.1-14, 2018
  4. "Controlling the air pollution and making sustainable income for municipality of Thehran metropolitan area as double goal of fuel tax"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, PARVIZ AGHAEI, Morteza Azari
    ECOSUMMIT2016, 2016
  5. "evaluationof human spatial behavior in the geographical enviroment current event and futur prospects"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    international confrence on innovative trend in multidisciplinary academic research, pp.1-11, 2014
  6. "Evaluation of human spatial behavior in the geographical environment Current events and future prospects"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    The 5th Asia - Pasific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference APIEMS 2004, pp.39-39, 2004
  7. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, batol hosseini, parviz aghaei
    , pp.1-1, 2023
  8. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    , 2022
  9. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    , pp.1-10, 2020
  10. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    , pp.6-11, 2020
  11. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    , pp.1-5, 2020
  12. "Urban Development Process in Iran from the Management and Urban Planning View of Point"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    3rd International Congress On contemporary Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Development, pp.1-15, 2019
  13. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Batoul Hosseini tali, Mostafa Rezaei, Parviz Aghaei
    , pp.1-21, 2019
  14. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji,
    , pp.1-10, 2019
  15. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Sajad Darabi
    , 2018
  16. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, akbar kabod, Sajad Darabi
    International conference on civil engineering, architecture and urban management in Iran, pp.1-8, 2018
  17. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, akbar heidari, Sajjad Darabi
    International conference on civil engineering, architecture and urban management in Iran, pp.1-10, 2018
  18. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Saeid Zarghami, Abdolbaset Doorzadeh mehr
    , 2018
  19. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji,
    , pp.1-10, 2018
  20. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Arman Moslemi, Abdolbaset Doorzadeh mehr
    , 2017
  21. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    , pp.1-5, 2017
  22. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Saeed Zarghami
    , pp.1-9, 2017
  23. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Saeid Zarghami
    , pp.1-8, 2017
  24. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji,
    , pp.10-17, 2017
  25. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Arman Moslemi
    , pp.1-10, 2017
  26. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    , pp.5-12, 2016
  27. ""
    batol hoseini teli, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    , 2016
  28. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Arman Moslemi
    , 2016
  29. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Morteza Heydari
    , pp.1-18, 2016
  30. ""
    Ali Samani majd, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    , 2015
  31. ""
    Mohammad Mehdi Dargahi, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, soheila pourheidari
    , 2015
  32. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Roghayeh Samadi, shahnaz rashedi
    , pp.10-15, 2015
  33. ""
    Zohreh Fanni, Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji, Mohammad Amin Hounakzehi,
    , 2015
  34. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    International confrence on control application (CCA), 2013
  35. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    International confrence on control application (CCA), 2013
  36. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    International confrence on control application (CCA), 2013
  37. "The roleand application of Gis in management of health centersin new Millennium"
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    International confrence on control application (CCA), 2013
  38. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    International confrence on control application (CCA), 2013
  39. ""
    Lotf Ali Kozehgar Kaleji
    International confrence on control application (CCA), 2013